In Pursuit of Providing Quality Healthcare that is Affordable and Accessible

We have been consistent in our mission to provide quality healthcare at affordable cost at the door steps of people we serve, ever since we started the journey of “Caring Mission with a Global Vision” 3 decades back. This rhymes well with the universal healthcare philosophy of Quality, Affordability and Accessibility.

In the area of Quality we can showcase umpteen awards and certificates proving our credentials, but more importantly it runs deeper in the DNA of Aster DM Healthcare. Our teams drive the quality program as the corner stone with a strong belief that there is no finishing line in the race for excellence.

Healthcare worldwide is becoming more and more expensive, but we try to make our services Affordable. Healthcare, though deemed as an ‘industry’ is much more than that – we strongly believe that profit should be a byproduct and not the aim in healthcare, which helps us to transcend into our core values, of Compassion, Integrity and Respect. In an exercise to serve all sections of the society, we have rolled out different brands with varying price bands. We also provide support to those who are in need through our Foundations and CSR activities.

Accessibility to healthcare services is a very important focus area for us – we provide services closer to our customers through the large network of clinics and pharmacies – however, this is only like touching the tip of the iceberg. We are in the process of rolling out programs, leveraging Information Technology to make accessibility much wider and deeper, carrying delivery of healthcare to the homes of people.

Our recently adopted brand promise “We’ll Treat You Well” is actually a promise to all our internal and external stakeholders, which include our partners, employees, patients, business associates and public. From top down, we promise our internal stakeholders that we’ll treat everyone well.

Then as Asterians, we sing a chorus to our external stake holders that we’ll treat them well.

Many ask me the recipe for our success – from a single doctor clinic in Dubai to a network of nearly 323 establishments, spread in 9 countries with over 19,593 staff. I strongly believe that it has been due to the blessings of the Almighty, the support of the visionary leaders and people of the countries we operate and the hard work of the united and passionate team of Asterian