The majority of Neurological problems among children occur during their early developmental stage and may be diagnosed right after birth. Generally, neurological issues in children occur due to developmental issues, damaging infection or brain injury. If your child is facing any kind of neurological issues such as speaking and eating difficulty, etc. then, you can consult a child neurology specialist.
These are the common symptoms of neurological problems in children- pain, seizures, reading difficulty, writing difficulty, less alertness, weak muscles, loss of sensation (partial or complete), paralysis (partial or complete), and poor cognitive abilities. You can visit a paediatrician in Dubai If you want to gain more knowledge about neurological disorders in children.
These are the common neurological problems among Children:
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
This disorder can affect the newborn baby even before they are born. It occurs when a woman consumes alcohol during pregnancy. The alcohol is absorbed by the fetus and reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients. After that, it exploits the organs of the baby. The baby can experience learning disability, intellectual impairment, poor judgement, hyperactivity.
Cerebral Palsy
This disorder causes brain damage to a child during birth before or during birth. Cerebral palsy affects motor skills and takes place due to a damaged brain or underdeveloped fetus. Proper therapy and treatment can cure cerebral palsy.
These are the symptoms of Cerebral Palsy: muscle spasms, poor reflexes, floppy muscle tone, difficulty swallowing, sentence formation problems by the age of two years and not walking by the age of one year.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
This common behavioural disorder, which is also known as ADHD, can affect a child during childhood. It also can happen during adulthood. According to doctors, this disorder is called hyperactivity disorder. ADHD triggers restless or hyperactive behaviour among children. The majority of the children experience ADHD due to hereditary factors. Other factors can include damaged brain development because of brain injury, neurotoxins and exposure to substances such as pesticides and tobacco smoke. The effect of ADHD includes overly talkative, restless behaviour, lack of focus and inattentiveness.
This condition can affect a child’s social behaviour and learning capabilities and occurs due to seizures. According to reports, 70 percent of the children with epilepsy recovers as they grow old. Some of the symptoms of the condition include temporary condition, a staring spell, loss of awareness, fear, anxiety, etc.
Autism affects both verbal and nonverbal communication and the social interaction of a child. The effect tends to become profound once the child grows older. Most of the parents began to identify autism in their children at the age of 2 years.
The effect of autism differs from child to child. Some of the long-term effects of the disorder include social isolation, difficulty in maintaining the relationship with friends, difficulty in empathizing and difficulty in living independently. The cause of autism is still unknown to the medical field. There can be multiple factors that causes autism. A good psychologist can treat autism effectively.