Benefits of regular health check-ups:

  • Detect risk factors at an early stage
  • Monitor existing conditions
  • Prevent onset of serious medical conditions
  • Keep yourself in check
  • Become more aware of oneself
  • Boost chances of treatment and cure

To know more call 044400500

Specialist Family Medicine Consultation – FBS – PPBS – HBA1C – Cholesterol – Triglycerides – Creatinine Serum – Urine Microalbumin.

Specialist Family Medicine Consultation – RBS – CBC – ECG – SGPT – SGOT – Bilirubin Total – Lipid Profile – Creatine serum – Urea – Urine Routine – Nutritional Counselling.

Specialist Cardiologist Consultation – Specialist Family Medicine Consultation ( on ref from cardiologist) – Blood Group & RH – CBC – ESR – Blood Sugar Fasting – Chest X Ray – ECG – Lipid Profile – Creatinine – Uric Acid – Blood Urea & Nitrogen – Liver Function Test – HBSAg – HIV – VDRL – Stool Routine Examination – Urine Examination – ECHO – Diet advice – Nutritional Counseling.

Specialist Family Medicine Consultation – Complete Blood Count with ESR – Blood Group & Rh typing – Fasting & PP Blood Sugar – Fasting Lipid Profile – Liver Function Test – Kidney Function Test – Uric Acid – Serum Electrolytes – Urine Analysis – Stool Routine with Occult Blood – ECG – Chest X-Ray – Ultrasound Abdomen

Specialist Family Medicine Consultation – Complete Blood Count with ESR – Blood Group & Rh typing – Fasting & PP Blood Sugar – Fasting Lipid Profile – Liver Function Test – Kidney Function Test – Uric Acid – Serum Electrolytes – TSH – Urine Analysis – Stool Routine with Occult Blood – ECG – Pap Smear for Cervical Cancer Screening – Ultrasound Pelvis & Breast – HVS Culture & Sensitivity

Specialist Family Medicine consultation – Complete Blood Count with ESR – Blood Group & Rh typing – Fasting & PP Blood Sugar – HbA1C(Glycosylated Haemoglobin) – Fasting Lipid Profile – SGOT,SGPT(Liver Tests) – Kidney Function Test – Uric Acid – Serum Electrolytes – TSH – Hormone Evaluation (FSH + LH + PROLACTIN) – Urine Analysis – Stool Routine with Occult Blood – Pap Smear for Cervical Cancer Screening – HVS Culture & Sensitivity – ECG – Ultrasound Pelvis – Ultra Sound Screening (Breast)

Specialist Cardiologist Consultation – Complete Blood Count with ESR – Blood Group & Rh typing – Fasting & PP Blood Sugar – HbA1C(Glycosylated Haemoglobin) – Fasting Lipid Profile – Liver Function Test – Kidney Function Test – Uric Acid – Serum Electrolytes – PSA – Urine Analysis – Stool Routine with Occult Blood – ECG – Chest X-ray – Treadmill Test (TMT) – Ultrasound Abdomen